Friday, 29 October 2010

Website Research: Editors

What's good about this website is that it has a built in video player on the front page. Since the main feature of our website will be the video we should probably do this as well.

Images and logo:
Few images, banner at the top is a detail from the Editors' latest album cover. Despite the darkness and simplicity it still looks good, enough colour so as not to be dull or depressing. Constructed profesisonally.

Genre, colour and style:
Dark colours, reflective of music. Simplistic, does not risk confusing the user. All the information refers to the musical side of the band, rather than their image or life. As gigging is so important to Indie bands the "live dates" section is near the top.

New Technology:
link to their myspace page. Interactive video player. Also there is a forum link near the bottom that you cannot see on the screen grab.

Written content:
Very little on the front page. If the user is interested in lengthy news items they can find them through the link to the news section of the website. Straight to the point and simple, like the Indie genre often is. Serious as well, the band writes serious music.

Font and layout:
Simple font, nothing fancy and complicated. Font is taken from their latest album artwork. Reinforces the image of a down to earth band, focus on the music not the presentation.

Target Audience:
By referencing the band's other output so heavily and with the simple, down to earth mood the website fits with the band's music and targets the same audience.

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